.mipmaps is Mipmap Texture File

Features Description
File Extension .mipmaps
Created by Codemasters
Category Raster Image

What is an .MIPMAPS file?

A MIPMAPS file contains one or more textures used by Codemasters F1 racing video games, such as F1 2016 and F1 2018. It stores multiple images at varying resolutions that are referenced by the game to "texture" an element in the game, such as a vehicle, driver uniform, or driver helmet. MIPMAPS files are typically packaged in .ERP game archives.

MIPMAPS files store multiple duplicate images that are saved at different resolutions. The appropriate image is rendered during gameplay depending on the resolution required. For example, an object that is farther away would use a lower resolution image texture in the MIPMAPS file, while a closer object would use a higher resolution image in the MIPMAPS file. This "mipmapping" method increases the rendering speed of textures and decreases aliasing, which is a distortion that occurs when a high-resolution image is displayed at a lower resolution.

Most F1 gamers will not encounter MIPMAPS files since they are referenced by the game in the background and applied to 3D models in the game. The gamers that do come across MIPMAPS files are typically exploring sub-folders in the game installation directory looking to modify the appearances of objects that are visible during gameplay.


Raster Image

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