.SAM File

.sam is Sequence Alignment/Map file or MOD Edit Sample File...

PurposeStores biological sequences aligned to a reference sequence
ApplicationsGenome assembly, variant calling, gene expression analysis
Key ElementsHeader section, alignment section
Header SectionContains metadata about the reference sequence and aligned reads
Alignment SectionComprises individual alignment records for each read
AdvantagesHuman-readable, easily accessible
LimitationsFile size can be large
Alternative FormatBAM (Binary Alignment/Map) file - smaller, faster processing

What is a SAM file?

A SAM file, or Sequence Alignment/Map file, is a text-based format for storing biological sequences aligned to a reference sequence. It is commonly used in bioinformatics applications such as genome assembly, variant calling, and gene expression analysis.

A SAM file consists of two main sections:

  1. Header section: This section contains information about the reference sequence and the aligned sequences, such as the species, chromosome, and sequence length.

  2. Alignment section: This section contains the alignment of the sequences to the reference sequence. Each line in the alignment section corresponds to a single aligned read.

The alignment information in a SAM file is represented using a series of fields, each of which has a specific meaning. Some of the most important fields include:

  • QNAME: The unique identifier for the read
  • RNAME: The name of the reference sequence to which the read is aligned
  • POS: The position of the first base in the read that is aligned to the reference sequence
  • MAPQ: The mapping quality, which is a measure of the confidence in the alignment
  • CIGAR: The CIGAR string, which encodes the alignment operations (e.g., match, insertion, deletion)
  • SEQ: The read sequence
  • QUAL: The Phred quality score for each base in the read

SAM files are human-readable, but they can also be compressed into a binary format called BAM (Binary Alignment/Map) for more efficient storage and processing.

Here is an example of a SAM file record:


This record indicates that a read named "read1" is aligned to chromosome 1 at position 100 with a mapping quality of 60. The CIGAR string "100M" indicates that the entire read matches the reference sequence. The RNEXT and PNEXT fields are set to "*" and 0, respectively, indicating that the read is not part of a paired-end read. The TLEN field is 100, indicating that the read is 100 bases long. The SEQ field contains the read sequence, and the QUAL field contains the Phred quality scores for each base in the read.

SAM files are a valuable tool for bioinformatics researchers, as they provide a standardized format for storing and exchanging alignment data. They are widely used in a variety of applications, and they are likely to continue to be an important tool for many years to come.

Different file types that can use the .SAM extension?

.SAM can also be a MOD Edit Sample File. It is a file format used by the MOD Edit audio editing software. MOD Edit is a program for creating and editing music modules, which are small files that contain music data in a compressed format. MOD Edit SAMple files contain the raw audio data for the SAMples used in a module.

Here is a table summarizing the different file types that can use the .SAM extension:

File TypeDescription
Ami Pro DocumentA word processing document created by Samna Ami Pro
LMHOSTS Sample FileA sample file for the LMHOSTS file, which maps IP addresses to hostnames
MOD Edit Sample FileA sample file for the MOD Edit audio editing software
Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) fileA text-based format for storing biological sequences aligned to a reference sequence

The specific file type of a .SAM file can usually be determined by the context in which it is found. For example, if the file is located in a folder that contains other audio files, it is likely a MOD Edit SAMple file. If the file is located in a folder that contains other biological data files, it is likely a SAM file.

How to Open a SAM File?

SAM files can be opened using a variety of text editors and bioinformatics software packages. Some popular options include:

  • Notepad++: A free and open-source text editor that can handle large SAM files.

  • SAMtools: A standalone tool for processing SAM and BAM files.

  • Geneious: A commercial bioinformatics software package with a graphical user interface for viewing and analyzing SAM files.

How to Convert a SAM File?

SAM files can be converted to a variety of other formats, including BAM, SAMGZ, and BED. Some popular options for converting SAM files include:

  • SAMtools: Can convert SAM files to BAM, SAMGZ, and BED formats.

  • Bedtools: Can convert SAM files to BED format.

  • Picard: A Java-based bioinformatics toolkit that includes tools for converting SAM files to various formats.

Difference between SAM and BAM Files?

SAM and BAM files are both formats for storing biological sequences aligned to a reference sequence. The primary difference between the two formats is that SAM files are human-readable text files, while BAM files are binary files. This makes BAM files significantly smaller and faster to read and process. However, BAM files cannot be directly edited in a text editor, so SAM files are still useful for human inspection and editing.

How to Create a SAM File?

SAM files can be created using a variety of bioinformatics software packages. Some popular options include:

  • BWA: A tool for aligning short reads to a reference sequence.

  • Bowtie2: Another popular tool for aligning short reads to a reference sequence.

  • Novoalign: A commercial aligner with a reputation for its speed and accuracy.

How to Read a SAM File?

SAM files can be read using a variety of text editors and bioinformatics software packages. Some popular options include:

  • Notepad++: Can display SAM files in a human-readable format.

  • SAMtools: Can read SAM files and extract specific information, such as the aligned reads or the mapping quality scores.

  • Geneious: Can provide a graphical view of the alignment information in a SAM file.

Parts of a SAM File?

A SAM file consists of two main sections:

  1. Header section: Contains metadata about the reference sequence and the aligned reads, such as the species, chromosome, and sequence length.

  2. Alignment section: Contains the alignment of the reads to the reference sequence. Each line in the alignment section corresponds to a single aligned read.

Common Problems with SAM Files?

Some common problems that can occur with SAM files include:

  • Duplicate reads: Reads that align to the reference sequence multiple times.

  • Unmapped reads: Reads that cannot be aligned to the reference sequence.

  • Incorrect alignments: Alignments that are not accurate or that do not reflect the true biological relationships between the reads and the reference sequence.

These problems can arise due to various factors, such as sequencing errors, low coverage, or complex genomic structures. Addressing these problems often requires specialized bioinformatics techniques and tools

The 1000 Genomes Project

Biological Sequence

Text-based file

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