.XAPK File
.xapk is Compressed Android Package File
Features | Description |
File Extension | .xapk |
Format | Zip |
Category | Compressed |
.xapk is Compressed Android Package File
Features | Description |
File Extension | .xapk |
Format | Zip |
Category | Compressed |
What's on this Page
File extension xapk is associated with the Google Android, an operating system based on Linux available for smartphones and tablet devices.
A .xapk file is ZIP compressed archive with Google Android apk file, but additionally contains obb (opaque binary blob) file related to application in apk file. That means, you can open xAPK file and view its content with any compression utility, which supports ZIP compression format.
xapk installation format was developed by APKPure. It is not official app distribution file format, but used by third-party Android application distribution services and websites. Android developers are not limited by max 50 MB size of applications as in official Google Play service. That's why they often use this format for distributing their apps.
The xapk file can be installed to Android device with XAPK Installer software.
Be careful of using apps distributed via xAPK format, because they are distributed by non-trusted services and can be infected by trojans, viruses or other types of malware.
An xapk file extension is related to the XAPK Installer application installation tool for Android. An xapk file stores application installation.