.SMF File

.smf is StarMath Formula File

Features Description
File Extension .smf
Format Binary
Created by Oracle
Category Text

What's on this Page

  1. How to open:
  2. How to convert:

What is an .SMF file?

The smf file extension is used for Standard MIDI format.

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is a standard protocol for the interchange of musical information between musical instruments, synthesizers, and computers. This standard defines the codes for a musical event that include the start of a note, its pitch, length, volume, and musical attributes, such as vibrato. It also defines codes for various button, dial, and pedal adjustments that are used on synthesizers.

Standard MIDI Files (SMF) Specification was developed in 1990 for file exchange between MIDI sequencers, and quickly became a popular format for distributing music. This format is different from native MIDI protocol, because the events are time-stamped for playback in the proper sequence. 

Standard MIDI Files come in two basic varieties: a Type 1 file, and a Type 0 file (a Type 2 was also specified originally but never really caught on, so we won't spend any time discussing it here). In a Type 1 file individual parts are saved on different tracks within the sequence. In a Type 0 file everything is merged onto a single track.

MIME types:

How to open:

Use Apple QuickTime to open *.smf Standard MIDI files.

How to convert:

Use compatible tools to export *.smf files to other formats.




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