.numbers is Numbers Spreadsheet File

Features Description
File Extension .numbers
Format N/A
Created by Apple
Category Spreadsheet

What's on this Page

  1. How to open:
  2. How to convert:

What is an .NUMBERS file?

The numbers file extension is associated with Numbers, a spreadsheet editing application developed by Apple.

Numbers was a part of the iWork productivity suite alongside Keynote and Pages on macOS (OS X), iOS as well as on-line service. Currently you can buy Numbers app as standalone software or download for free if you have a new Mac, MacBook or iPhone/iPad.

The numbers files are spreadsheet documents used by Numbers app as a proprietary file format for Numbers documents and its very similar to OpenOffice.org document format.

The numbers file is basically an archive file containing all XML data, information, settings, graphs, functions and pictures in the spreadsheet document.

Apple Numbers is a competitive software to Microsoft Excel on Windows platform.

Files with numbers file extension can be traditionally found as spreadsheet format of Apple Numbers application on Mac OS X (macOS), iOS and as web service. Numbers spreadsheets can only be opened in Numbers app, there is no 3rd party program available that can open or convert it to another format.

How to open:

NUMBERS spreadsheets can be opened in iWorks Numbers that is nowadays installed on every new Mac.Since *.numbers spreadsheet is basically a ZIP container with the file extension numbers, you can rename the file extension numbers to zip and extract the file in WinZIP, WinRAR or in other archive application, that can open the zip files.

How to convert:

Apple Numbers supports converting or exporting .numbers documents to other spreadsheet formats, including the XLS, XLSX, PDF and etc. You can access this function via FILE|Export and convert or export *.numbers file to format of your choice.




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