.MXAD File

.mxad is Mandelbrot Explorer All Data File

Features Description
File Extension .mxad
Format XML
Created by J R Oakley
Category Data

What is an .MXAD file?

File created by Mandelbrot Explorer, a program used to visualize Mandelbrot Set and Julia Set fractal images; stores both the fractal parameters (fractal type, x and y coordinates, and image resolution) and the overlaid color scheme; supports monochrome, grayscale, and color visualizations; saved in an XML format.

Mandelbrot Explorer all data (MXAD) files can be used to store zoomed images of fractals. They can be exported to .BMP, .JPG, .GIF, and .PNG image formats by selecting the following program option: File → Save Image.

NOTE: MXAD files include the combined data that is stored separately in .MXCS and .MXFR files.

J R Oakley



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