.H1T File

.h1t is Microsoft Windows Assistance Platform client help related data

Features Description
File Extension .h1t
Format N/A
Created by Microsoft Corporation
Category System

What's on this Page

  1. How to open:
  2. How to convert:

What is an .H1T file?

Table of Contents - This defines the master TOC and which Titles to include.

Similar to MS Help 2.x .HxT file The h1t file defines the content and organization of a table of contents (TOC) for a collection. For Help and Support content, the .h1t file defines the table of contents for all content in the OEM and Corporate namespaces (each namespace has its own .H1T file).

The h1t file contains general properties for the TOC as a whole and for each node. The TOC provides a structured view of the Help content for a collection. When a user opens the TOC and selects a topic title, the content file associated with that topic opens.

How to open:

You cannot open this file type manually, it is accessed by the Windows automatically.

How to convert:

Probably cannot be converted to anything else.

Microsoft Corporation



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