.GDB File

.gdb is InterBase Database File

Features Description
File Extension .gdb
Format N/A
Created by Borland
Category Database

A .gdb file is a file geodatabase file. It is a collection of files in a folder on disk that can store, query, and manage both spatial and nonspatial data. It is a proprietary file format developed by ESRI for use with their ArcGIS software.

A .gdb file can contain the following types of data:

  • Feature classes: A feature class is a collection of features that share a common set of attributes. Features can be points, lines, polygons, or rasters.
  • Feature datasets: A feature dataset is a collection of feature classes that are related to each other.
  • Tables: A table is a collection of rows and columns of data. Tables can be used to store non-spatial data, such as attribute data for feature classes.
  • Raster datasets: A raster dataset is a collection of raster images.
  • Schematic datasets: A schematic dataset is a collection of diagrams that represent the relationships between features and tables in a .gdb file.

.gdb file can be opened with a variety of software applications, including:

To create a .gdb file, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro.
  2. In the Catalog pane, right-click Databases or a folder under Folders and click New File Geodatabase.
  3. On the New File Geodatabase dialog box, browse to the location where you want to create the .gdb file, type a name, and click Save.

Once you have created a .gdb file, you can add data to it by using the Add Data tool. You can also query and manage the data in a .gdb file using the ArcGIS interface.

How to convert a .gdb file to a different format?

There are a few ways to convert a .gdb file to a different format. One way is to use the Convert Geodatabase tool in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro. This tool will convert the .gdb file to the format that you specify.

Another way to convert a .gdb file to a different format is to use a third-party software application. There are a number of software applications that can convert .gdb file to different formats, such as:

  • Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL): https://gdal.org/
  • OGR2OGR: https://gdal.org/programs/ogr2ogr.html
  • QGIS: https://qgis.org/en/site/

To use a third-party software application to convert a .gdb file, you will need to open the software application and select the .gdb file that you want to convert. Then, you will need to specify the format that you want to convert the .gdb file to. The software application will then convert the .gdb file to the specified format.

Here are some additional tips for converting .gdb file:

  • Make sure that you have a backup copy of the .gdb file before you convert it. This way, if the conversion is unsuccessful, you can still restore the original .gdb file.
  • Check the compatibility of the target format with the software application that you are using to convert the .gdb file. Not all software applications support all formats.
  • If you are using a third-party software application to convert the .gdb file, make sure that the software application is up to date. Older versions of software applications may not support the latest .gdb file format.

How to repair a corrupt .gdb file?

There are a few ways to repair a corrupt .gdb file. One way is to use the Repair Geodatabase tool in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro. This tool will attempt to fix any corruption that it finds in the .gdb file.

Another way to repair a corrupt .gdb file is to use the gdbfix command-line tool. This tool is part of the GDAL software package. To use gdbfix, you will need to open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where the gdbfix executable is located. Then, you can use the following command to repair the .gdb file:

gdbfix -r corrupt.gdb

The -r option tells gdbfix to repair the .gdb file. If the repair is successful, gdbfix will create a new .gdb file called "corrupt.gdb.bak". This file will contain the repaired data from the original .gdb file.

If the Repair Geodatabase tool or gdbfix are not able to repair the .gdb file, you may need to contact ESRI support for assistance.

Here are some additional tips for repairing corrupt .gdb file:

  • Make sure that you have a backup copy of the .gdb file before you try to repair it. This way, if the repair is unsuccessful, you can still restore the original .gdb file.
  • Try to identify the cause of the corruption before you try to repair the .gdb file. This information may help you to choose the right repair tool or method.
  • If you are using the Repair Geodatabase tool in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro, make sure that you select the Repair All Corruption option. This option will attempt to fix all corruption that it finds in the .gdb file.
  • If you are using the gdbfix command-line tool, you can use the -v option to get more verbose output. This output can be helpful in troubleshooting the repair process.

What are the limitations of .gdb file?

  • Size limitation: The maximum size of a .gdb file is 16TB. This limitation may be a problem for large datasets.
  • Platform compatibility:.gdb file are only compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. This limitation may be a problem for users who need to share .gdb file with users on other platforms.
  • Feature type limitation:.gdb file can only store point, line, polygon, and raster data. This limitation may be a problem for users who need to store other types of data, such as 3D data or time series data.
  • Security limitation:.gdb file do not have any built-in security features. This means that anyone who has access to the .gdb file can view and modify the data.

What are the advantages of .gdb file?

  • Scalability:.gdb file can scale to very large sizes, making them a good choice for storing large datasets.
  • Performance:.gdb file are generally faster than other file formats for spatial data, such as shapefiles.
  • Flexibility:.gdb file can store a variety of spatial data types, including points, lines, polygons, and rasters.
  • Interoperability:.gdb file are supported by a variety of software applications, including ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, and QGIS.
  • Security:.gdb file can be secured with passwords, making them a good choice for storing sensitive data.




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