.FLC File

.flc is FLIC Animation

Features Description
File Extension .flc
Format N/A
Created by Autodesk
Category Video

What's on this Page

  1. How to open:
  2. How to convert:

What is an .FLC file?

The flc file extension is related to Autodesk FLC format. This is the format developed by AutoDesk that is designed for storing brief animations. It is a successor to FLI.

FLC can store images of variable size, and allows a palette of 256 colors (although the palette can be changed from line to line to give more colors per frame).

FLC supports a variable frame rate specified in frames a fixed frame rate specified in milliseconds per frame, and maintains information about the original aspect ratio. In theory, all FLC animations must loop, but in practice this requirement is often ignored.

The image data in FLC files is compressed using a Run-length compression scheme. This is suitable for animations, but is inappropriate for videos or dithered images. As mentioned, the FLC format is a successor to (and close cousin of), the older FLI format.

An flc file extension is related to the AutoDesk FLIC format used to store images and frames.

How to open:

Use Autodesk Animator to view content of *.vlc files.

How to convert:

Use compatible tools to export *.flc files to other formats.




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