.filebolt is Filebolt Encrypted File

Features Description
File Extension .filebolt
Format N/A
Created by Envault
Category Encoded

What is an .FILEBOLT file?

A FILEBOLT file is an encrypted file created by Filebolt, an application used to secure files on your device. It contains a file, such as a .XLSX or .JPG file, that has been encrypted with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). FILEBOLT files are typically created to protect files with sensitive contents, such as a financial document or a digital photograph.

FILEBOLT file open in Envault Filebolt 1.2

FILEBOLT files can only be opened by the Filebolt app. To open a FILEBOLT file, simply drag and drop the file onto the program or select "Open bolted file..." in the left pane of the Filebolt interface.

FILEBOLT files are not only used for securing files stored on your computer. They can be shared with others as long as they have the password the original creator of the FILEBOLT file set to secure the file.




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