.EXAM File

.exam is ProfExam exam data

File typeProprietary
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows
Question typesMultiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, essay
Other featuresTimed exams, images and other multimedia content, export to PDF, reports on exam results
BenefitsCreate and deliver high-quality exams, save time and effort, improve the quality of exams, get better results from students

What is a .exam file?

A .exam file is a proprietary file format used by the ProfExam software, a test preparation and exam administration tool for Microsoft Windows. ProfExam exams can contain a variety of question types, including multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions. Exams can also be timed and include images and other multimedia content.

How to open a .exam file

To open a .exam file, you must have the ProfExam software installed on your computer. Once you have installed ProfExam, you can open a .exam file by double-clicking on it or by opening the file from within the ProfExam software.

How to convert a .exam file to PDF

To convert a .exam file to PDF, you can use the ProfExam software. To do this, open the .exam file in ProfExam and then click on the "Export" button. In the export dialog box, select the "PDF" file format and then click on the "Export" button to save the exam as a PDF file.

How to recover a lost or corrupted .exam file

If you lose or corrupt a .exam file, you can try to recover it using a data recovery software program. There are a number of different data recovery software programs available, both free and paid.

ProfExam features and benefits

ProfExam is a powerful and feature-rich exam preparation and exam administration tool. Some of the key features of ProfExam include:

  • The ability to create and administer exams with a variety of question types, including multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions.
  • The ability to time exams and include images and other multimedia content.
  • The ability to export exams to PDF format.
  • The ability to generate reports on exam results.

Benefits of using ProfExam:

  • ProfExam can help you to create and deliver high-quality exams.
  • ProfExam can help you to save time and effort in creating and administering exams.
  • ProfExam can help you to improve the quality of your exams.
  • ProfExam can help you to get better results from your exams.

How to use ProfExam to create and administer exams

To create an exam in ProfExam, simply click on the "New Exam" button and then select the type of exam you want to create. Once you have selected the type of exam, you can start adding questions to your exam.

To administer an exam in ProfExam, simply click on the "Start Exam" button. You can then choose to administer the exam in a variety of different ways, including:

  • On-screen: The exam will be displayed on the student's computer screen.
  • Paper and pencil: The exam will be printed out and the student will complete it by hand.
  • Online: The exam will be administered online and the student will be able to access it from any computer with an internet connection.

How to use ProfExam to grade and analyze exam results

Once students have completed an exam in ProfExam, you can grade their exams and analyze the results. To grade an exam, simply click on the "Grade Exam" button. ProfExam will then automatically grade the exam and provide you with a report on the student's results.

Common features of ProfExam exams

ProfExam exams can contain a variety of different features, including:

  • A variety of question types, including multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions.
  • Timed exams.
  • Images and other multimedia content.
  • Randomized question order.
  • Instant feedback on student answers.
  • Detailed reports on student results.

How to customize ProfExam exams to meet your specific needs

ProfExam exams can be customized to meet your specific needs. To customize an exam, simply click on the "Customize Exam" button. You can then customize the following aspects of the exam:

  • The question types included in the exam.
  • The number of questions in the exam.
  • The time limit for the exam.
  • The randomization settings for the exam.
  • The feedback settings for the exam.
  • The reporting settings for the exam.


ProfExam is a powerful and feature-rich exam preparation and exam administration tool. It can be used to create and deliver high-quality exams, saving you time and effort. ProfExam can also help you to improve the quality of your exams and get better results from your students.

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