.CPDX File

.cpdx is Adobe Captivate Storyboard Project

Features Description
File Extension .cpdx
Format N/A
Created by Adobe Systems
Category Settings

What is an .CPDX file?

A CPDX file is a storyboard project file created by Adobe Captivate Draft, an iOS app used to create storyboards for eLearning content. It contains one or more slides, which may include text, drawn objects, web objects, and embedded media (audio, videos, and images). CPDX files are commonly used for planning quizzes, software demonstrations, and simulations.

CPDX files are the main file type associated with Captivate Draft. They are created when saving a project in the app. The project files are autosaved whenever you close Captivate Draft. After you are done editing your storyboard you can export it to Captivate to refine and finish the project.

To import a CPDX file into Captivate select File → New Project → Project from Adobe Captivate Draft..., navigate to your CPDX file, and click Open.

NOTE: Support for the CPDX extension was introduced with Captivate 9 after the Captivate Draft app was released.

Adobe Systems



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