.COB File

.cob is COBOL Source Code File

Features Description
File Extension .cob
Format Text
Category Developer

What's on this Page

  1. How to open:
  2. How to convert:

What is an .COB file?

The cob file extension is related to COBOL, a high-level programming language first developed by the CODASYL Committee (Conference on Data Systems Languages) in 1960. Since then, responsibility for developing new COBOL standards has been assumed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Three ANSI standards for COBOL have been produced: in 1968, 1974 and 1985. A new COBOL standard introducing object-oriented programming to COBOL, is due within the next few years.

The word COBOL is an acronym that stands for COmmon Business Oriented Language. As the the expanded acronym indicates, COBOL is designed for developing business, typically file-oriented, applications. It is not designed for writing systems programs. For instance you would not develop an operating system or a compiler using COBOL.

Files with cob file extension can be usually found as source files or scripts written in COBOL programming language.

How to open:

Use text editor, or source code editor to view content of the *.cob source code files.

How to convert:

Source files or scripts cannot be easily converted to other programming languages. A programmer would most likely have to rewrite the code for another language.



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