.cdxweb is CAD Exchanger CAD format (web)

File typeCAD Exchanger CAD format
Developed byCAD Exchanger
PurposeTo store 3D CAD models in a web-friendly format

What is a .CDXWEB file?

A .CDXWEB file is a CAD Exchanger CAD format that can be used to store 3D CAD models in a web-friendly format. It is developed by CAD Exchanger, a software company that specializes in converting CAD files between different formats.

.CDXWEB files are lightweight and easy to share, making them ideal for online collaboration and sharing of 3D CAD models. They can be viewed and edited in a web browser using the CAD Exchanger Viewer, and they are supported by a variety of CAD software applications, including SolidWorks, AutoCAD, and Autodesk Inventor.

How to Open and Use .CDXWEB Files

To open and use .CDXWEB files, you'll need the CAD Exchanger software installed on your system. Follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the CAD Exchanger software from the official website.
  2. Launch the CAD Exchanger application.
  3. Use the application's interface to open the .CDXWEB file. This might involve importing or browsing to the file location.
  4. The software will then enable you to interact with and visualize the CAD design through your web browser.

How to Convert .CDXWEB Files

Converting .CDXWEB files to other formats might not be a straightforward process, as the .CDXWEB format is specifically designed for web-based visualization within the CAD Exchanger software. If you need to share CAD data in a different format, consider using the CAD Exchanger software to export the data to a more common CAD format, such as STEP or IGES, which can be opened by various CAD applications.


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