._GS File

._gs is Roboform GoodSync data

Features Description
File Extension ._gs
Format N/A
Created by Siber Systems
Category Various data

What's on this Page

  1. How to open:
  2. How to convert:

What is an ._GS file?

The _gs file extension is associated with the Roboform, GoodSync and Roboform Everywhere applications available for various platforms.

The _gs file contains data for synchronization between local computer and online service.

How to open:

The _gs files are used for internal purposes Roboform GoodSync.

How to convert:

Due the variability and uncertainty of this file type group, there is no general information available, about how to convert this various data file format. However most files with extension from this group are usually not in formats, which can be converted. If there are associated applications or programs listed below the extension description, you can always try to check their website for additional informations on their forums or other type of customer support.

Siber Systems

Various data


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