.2IMG File

.2img is XGS Apple IIGS emulator disk image format

Features Description
File Extension .2img
Format N/A
Created by 2img
Category Disk image (ISO) binary

What's on this Page

  1. How to open:
  2. How to convert:

What is an .2IMG file?

2IMG (or 2MG) - disk image format used on XGS and other IIgs emulators. These are .dsk or .nib images with a prefix (usually 64 bytes) which includes information about size, format, sector ordering, volume number, locked/unlocked, etc..

2MG files may also have a Comment and/or extra file information added following the disk image data. The format can accommodate disk images ranging from 5.25" diskette up through hard disk.

You can use ASIMOV2 to convert .2MG files back to diskette form as well as for creating .2MG files from 800k diskettes. The utility Imgutnew.exe can be used to convert most available Diskcopy images to 2MG format on PC.

How to open:

Your best option to accessing disk image formats is to use some of the virtualization programs that typically support most of the common disk image formats which can be either mounted as virtual drives or burned on physical media.For general information try to look at:Basic info how to open disk images

How to convert:

Most disk image formats can be nowadays converted to standard ISO format, however conversion between various formats is typically possible. Your best option is typically some disk image management tool with broad format support, for example ISOBuster. For general information try to look at:Basic info how to convert disk images


Disk image (ISO) binary


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