.00_JPG_SRZ File

.00_jpg_srz is Wix compressed picture image

Features Description
File Extension .00_jpg_srz
Format N/A
Created by Wix.com
Category Bitmap image

What's on this Page

  1. How to open:
  2. How to convert:

What is an .00_JPG_SRZ file?

The 00_jpg_srz file extension is typically associated with pictures downloaded from Wix, an on-line web service and web building tool that offers many web page templates.

The 00_jpg_srz file stores compressed bitmap image in JPG picture image format. Users that try to right click and download pictures from Wix, get the files saved in this somewhat odd looking file type.

It's just renamed version of the original file, you can rename it back or to something else should you need it.

How to open:

You can manually open this file type using any graphics editor with support of JPEG format. But to have it associated automatically, you would have to reneme the extension to JPG.

How to convert:

Rename the .00_jpg_srz file back to .jpg should you need it. That will restore the functionality in other associated programs.


Bitmap image


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