.fssd |
SoundCap audio file |
.unic |
Unic Tracker sound file |
.mpa2 |
MPEG2 audio file |
.rockwell-2 |
Rockwell 2-bit ADPCM data file |
.daap |
Apple DAAP playlist file |
.w8e |
Motif Rack ES Voice Editor file |
.k1s |
Wave Glib file |
.g18 |
Recomposer MIDI Sequencer music file |
.mxtx |
MaxTrax music file |
.ayn |
Ayona music file |
.sndr |
Sounder sound file |
.rbdf |
Reading for the Blind and Dyslexic audio book with text file |
.g726-4 |
G726-4 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 4-bit ADPCM sound format |
.strume |
Strum Electric GS-1 exchange file |
.userkit |
DrumCore audio |
.mp2a |
Sound file (MPEG-1 Layer II Audio Stream) |
.SDIRproj |
Apple Impulse Response Utility project file |
.kxsfc |
kX SoundFont collection |
.strd |
Octatrack project file |
.mkj |
MKJamz audio file |
.emu-sl |
E-MU sound library file |
.sndclipping |
Apple Mac OS X Finder sound clip file |
.ecelp7470 |
Nuera audio file |
.ynx |
Seqmax Seqprest compressed file |